How to Prepare your house for Sale

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Real Estate

Preparing your house before listing it is crucial for several reasons.    We don't get a second chance to make a First Impressions.   A well-prepared home makes a strong first impression, which can significantly impact potential buyers' perceptions. A clean, organized, and well-maintained home is more attractive and can lead to a quicker sale.  It will also help to increased the Value.  Preparing your home can help maximize its value. Small repairs, fresh paint, and staging can enhance the home's appeal and justify a higher asking price.  In todays market buyers do not have a lot of discretionary money after the sale, so they are looking for a move-in ready home with all repairs and updated completed.  It's easier for them to finance a little extra than to have the money to make the repairs themselves.

It will also result in a faster Sale.   Homes that are move-in ready often sell faster. Buyers are more likely to be attracted to a property that doesn’t require immediate repairs or upgrades and it also reduced Negotiations.    A well-prepared home may result in fewer negotiations on price especially during inspection.  It will always be cheaper for you to do the repairs yourself than to negotiate with a buyer and multiple contractors. Buyers are less likely to request reductions or concessions if they see that the home is in excellent condition.

Having a well prepared home can also help give your home a Competitive Edge.  In a competitive market, a well-prepared home stands out from the competition. It can attract more buyers and potentially lead to multiple offers.


Preparing your house to sell involves several steps to make it attractive to potential buyers and ensure you get the best possible price. Here’s a comprehensive guide:

1. Declutter and Depersonalize

  • Remove Personal Items: Family photos, personal collections, and other items that could distract buyers from envisioning themselves in the home.
    Remove collectables.   Although you may love it, someone else may not. Don’t let your collects become a distraction.
    This includes, Clowns, all sports memorabilia, guns, swords, and knives, dolls, liquor. If you collect it, put it in a box.  You will soon be moving and will make the move easier.   You will be surprised how potential buyers will not complete the tour of the home because they may not like your sports team 
  • Clear Out Excess Items: Donate, sell, or store items you don’t need. A less cluttered space appears larger and more inviting.  You will be surprised how much “stuff” can be collected and you will not want to move it, so toss it.  This will help with organizing your closets and pantries, help with your move, and allow the buyer to see how effective the storage space can be in the home. 
  • Remove anything of value that cannot be replaced.    Accidents happen.  While agents who tour your home with their clients will do the best they can to keep their clients’ hands off your belongings, sometimes a small child will have a different idea.   If it is your Grandmothers China and you will never be able to replace it – put it in a box.

2. Deep Clean

  • Clean Every Surface: Ensure floors, walls, windows, and fixtures are spotless. Consider hiring professional cleaners for a thorough job.
    • wipe down all surfaces.  All doors, windows, baseboards, all lighting fixtures, and all pieces of furniture.  Remove all hand prints on doors and walls, Magic Eraser from Mr. Clean works great on walls.
  • Eliminate Odors: Address sources of bad smells and use neutral air fresheners.
  • Organize closets, pantry, garage and cabinets.  Tidy up closets, cabinets, and the garage.  Stack things neatly in boxes if needed. Throw out anything that is not needed.  Put away all personal items. 

3. Repairs and Maintenance

  • Fix Major Issues: Address any major problems like roof leaks, plumbing issues, or broken appliances.   Consult with your Realtor, they may have helpful vendors.
  • Minor Repairs: Fix minor issues such as leaky faucets, cracked tiles, loose toilets, and squeaky doors.  REPLACE ALL BROKEN LIGHTBULBS.   If needed hire a professional "Punch-List" handyman to make all small repairs
  • It's a good idea to have your HVAC tuned up and cleaned.   Also change out all air filters 
  • Keep all your receipts of work done, you will need this for tax purposes or to give to the new buyers.
  • Neutral Paint Colors: Repaint walls with neutral colors to appeal to a broader audience.  Clean all walls and touch up paint scuffs and marks.   Find the perfect color at Sherwin Williams.
  • If you are unsure of the condition of your home ask your realtor about a pre-listing Inspection.   A professional inspector can help you understand what repairs will need to be made and give you proper Documentation to new buyers. Get a Pre-Sale Inspection: Identify and fix any major issues before listing.
  • Gather Warranties and Manuals: Collect documents for appliances and systems.

4. Enhance Curb Appeal

  • Landscaping: Mow the lawn, trim bushes, plant flowers, edge sidewalks and remove weeds.
  • Exterior Cleaning: Power wash the exterior, clean gutters, and paint if necessary.
  • Front Door: Repaint or replace if needed and add a new doormat.   Many homeowner never use their front door and it can become neglected.   Make sure your Front door is clean, painted, clear all cobwebs and insects and make sure the key and lock works properly.

5. Staging

  • Furniture Arrangement: Arrange furniture to maximize space and create a warm, inviting atmosphere.
  • Neutral Decor: Use neutral colors and decor to appeal to a broader audience.
  • Lighting: Ensure all rooms are well-lit with natural or artificial light.   Make sure all bulbs work, and use bright-white bulbs.  You want to make sure the house is as bright as possible.   Clean the windows, remove heavy drapes, and use bring white LED lightbulbs to best show off your house.

6.  Create a Welcoming Atmosphere

  • Scents: Use subtle air fresheners or bake cookies before showing to create a pleasant aroma. Subtle is the key
  • Temperature: Ensure the home is at a comfortable temperature for showings. 
  • Smell Test – do not cover up odor but eliminate it. 
    • Pet Smells: Use an enzyme cleaner. 
      Have your carpets professionally cleaned and if necessary, replace the flooring.  Pet urine can be a deal breaker for buyers. 

Smoke Smells from cooking or cigarette – Smells will kill the deal for a home sale
1.      A thorough cleaning will be the first step.  Wiping down furniture, cleaning drapes and fabric furniture.

2.      Use an ammonia cleaner and an air purifier. 

3.      Have your home professionally cleaned and use an ozone generator 

4.      If all else fails, paint all the house and ceilings using Kilz primer paint 

7.  Focus on Key Rooms

  • Living Room: Arrange seating to encourage conversation and create a welcoming atmosphere.   Make sure the walls are cleaned and clutter free
  • Kitchen: Clear countertops of unnecessary items. Set the table with simple settings to showcase the space.  Make sure all appliances are cleaned and in good working order and cabinets organized. 
  • Bedrooms: Use neutral bedding and arrange beds neatly. Create a cozy, restful environment.  All personal products to be stored. 

8. Arrange Furniture Strategically

  • Highlight Key Areas: Arrange furniture to highlight the home’s best features, like fireplaces or large windows.
  • Create Flow: Ensure there’s a natural flow and clear pathways between rooms. Avoid blocking pathways with furniture.
  • Make the room look as LARGE as possible.    Remove small pieces of furniture you do not need. 

9.  Add Fresh Touches

  • Fresh Flowers: Place fresh flowers in key areas to add color and a pleasant scent.
  • New Towels and Linens: Use fresh, clean towels in bathrooms and new linens on beds. This adds a touch of luxury and cleanliness.

10. Final Touches

  • Small Upgrades: Consider making small upgrades like new hardware on cabinets, fresh paint in key areas, and modern light fixtures.
  • Create a Welcoming Environment: Fresh flowers, a bowl of fruit, and a pleasant scent can make your home more inviting during showings.


Preparing your house thoroughly can help you attract more buyers and achieve a quicker, more profitable sale.    If you would like additional information on what is important to help sell your home fast, call Wendy Dyes at 6715-807-0340 for a free in-home evaluation.